Find out how many points are needed to lose your driver’s license and how to avoid this situation with effective tips on our blog.

Driving is much more than just moving from one point to another – it is a journey of responsibility. That is why understanding the rules regarding points on your National Driver’s License (CNH) is essential to avoid penalties and even the loss of your right to drive. 

In this article, we’ll explain how the points system works and give you tips to stay safe and compliant with traffic laws.

Do you know how many points are needed to lose your driver’s license?

The points system on the CNH

The driver’s license points system is a mechanism adopted to penalize traffic violations. Each violation has a specific score that varies according to its severity. These points accumulate on your driver’s license and, if they reach a specific limit within 12 months, can lead to the suspension of your right to drive.

How many points do I have to lose my driver’s license?

For drivers in general

Since the last update of the Brazilian Traffic Code (CTB), the points limits before the suspension of the CNH vary according to the severity of the infractions committed by the driver in the 12-month period:

  • 40 points : if there is no very serious infraction.
  • 30 points : if there is a very serious infraction.
  • 20 points : if there are two or more very serious infractions.

For Professional Drivers

For drivers who carry out paid activity with a vehicle, known by the acronym EAR on their driver’s licenses, the limit is 40 points, regardless of the severity of the infractions.

Precautions to avoid losing your driver’s license

  1. Know the rules : Staying up to date on traffic laws is the first step. Understanding what each violation entails in terms of points can help you avoid risky behavior.
  2. Defensive driving : adopting defensive driving practices not only reduces the likelihood of committing infractions but also increases road safety.
  3. Points monitoring : It is important to regularly check the points on your driver’s license. This can be done through the DETRAN website in your state.

What happens when I reach the points limit?

Reaching the points limit results in the suspension of the driver’s license. The driver will have to hand over his or her license to the DMV, take a refresher course and serve the suspension period before being allowed to drive again.

How do I check the points on my driver’s license?

To check the points accumulated on your driver’s license, visit the DETRAN website corresponding to your state. You will usually need your driver’s license number and other personal information to access this information.

Staying informed about the driver’s license points system and adopting responsible driving practices are the best strategies to avoid having your driver’s license suspended. Remember, road safety begins with the awareness and responsibility of each driver.

By admin

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